President Stevandić spoke at a round table in Moscow dedicated to the 28th anniversary of NATO's military aggression against the Republic of Srpska

30.08.2023 - 12:15

The President of the National Assembly of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska Dr Nenad Stevandic said the message from the Republic of Srpska, which was the first one to endure the bombing with radioactive uranium from NATO, 1995, is the necessity of returning to the international law course and the existence of the international public order and that UN can not be the instrument of any political block nor political financial institution as they are today.

“We must fight for a more equitable society where big countries will divide that kind of responsibility in order to come to the solution with a legal character, and which would forbid the use of both, the nuclear and the weapons with radioactive uranium, which has permanent consequences,” said Stevandic during the video talk to the participants of the round table dedicated to the 28th anniversary from the NATO aggression on Srpska, which is being held in Moscow in the organisation of the Russian historical community.

He stressed that it is necessary to prevent the future conspiracy of silence and hypocrisy of the international community embodied in the West countries, which do not want to admit and pay for the evil they have committed on territory bombed by radioactive uranium.

Stevandić assessed as a devastating lack of action by the UN, non-compliance with resolutions and agreements on nuclear weapons, which also creates future disasters that will destroy the lives of those who have not yet been born and who will suffer the actions of irresponsible governments.

He stated that in the production of military equipment, only care is taken to make them as deadly and destructive as possible and that their technical characteristics are such that they cause harm to people and the country, and remain even after the conflict, still destroying human lives and ecology.

"The most obvious example is the use of depleted uranium that was used in the bombing of the Republic of Srpska by the NATO pact in 1995 and the bombing of Serbia, i.e. the then FRY in 1999. Many years later, plutonium 239 and uranium 236 were found and those most toxic elements are present in the country, but also in the blood of those who are suffering from the most severe forms of cancer," said Stevandić.

He referred to the example of Italy, that is, the Italian public, which opposed the conspiracy of silence and where their lawyers have already collected hundreds of millions of euros from the state because NATO soldiers from the Italian contingent fell ill with serious malignant diseases, some of whom died.

"Medical evidence is irrefutable, but in this time of the twilight of international law, we do not have the possibility that, in a multipolar exchange of opinions and arguments, those who are guilty of causing so many types of diseases of this evil - answer for their actions," emphasized Stevandić.

He added that their actions also kill those children who have not yet been born, who will eventually be infected with the radioactive elements uranium, tritium, and plutonium, which are the result of the action of ammunition with depleted radioactive uranium.

"I have to admit that the Council of Europe, as well as some other organizations, after 1999 decided to ban ammunition with depleted uranium, however, Great Britain left the Council of Europe and it is precisely the information that it supplies such ammunition to the territory of Ukraine," he said. said Stevandić, adding that this is a great meanness, but also a great sign that international public law is in a great crisis.

He said that it is unbelievable that the regulations concerning the construction of energy facilities are made down to the smallest detail, where environmental permits cannot be obtained due to the effect of such a facility on the environment, and that depleted uranium is so lightly used, which leaves consequences with one bombing. in the next 5,000 years.

This round table is being held in the House of the Russian Historical Society, where an exhibition dedicated to the tragic events in the Republic of Srpska will be opened.

On September 9, the Republic of Srpska commemorates the Day of Remembrance for the victims of the NATO bombings carried out by the forces of the Alliance from August 30 to September 14, 1995 on the territory of BiH without the approval of the UN Security Council.

During the NATO operation "Deliberate Force", 46 members of the Army of the Republic of Srpska were killed and at least 98 were wounded, as well as five members of active duty, according to the data of the Republic Center for Research on War, War Crimes and Missing Persons. In the NATO bombing of the Republic of Srpska, at least seven civilians were killed, while at least 21 civilians were wounded.

NATO forces dropped a total of 1,026 bombs on the Republic of Srpska, including 13 Tomahawk cruise missiles, while the total weight of the dropped explosives was around 10,000 tons.

The official reason for the bombing of the Republic of Srpska was the shelling of Sarajevo's Markala market on August 28, 1995, when UNPROFOR immediately accused the Army of the Republic of Srpska of this without evidence.

The initiative to mark the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of NATO bombing was launched in Andrićgrad on August 26, 2018 at the suggestion of the News Agency of the Republic of Srpska.