President Stevandic talked with the President of the Assembly of Brcko District

09.06.2023 - 12:45

President of the Assembly of Brcko District Sinisa Milic about the mutual projects useful for all citizens of the Republic of Srpska, as well as about the coordination of the mutual politics inside the District and which are under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Srpska. The meeting Was also attended attended by MP in the Brcko District Assembly Drazen Vrkavcevic.

The interlocutors welcomed the mutual session of the Government of the Republic of Srpska and Federation, representing a strong political message and one step more towards relationship normalization and that Brcko District has to follow the cooperation of two governments and to participate in the following mutual sessions.

Presidents Stevandic and Milic agreed that the work of the Republic of Srpska Office in Brcko District has to be increased and to be useful not only for citizens with entity citizenship, but with the institutions of the district.  

Addressing the media after the meeting president Stevandic said that Brcko District represents an example of good internal dialogue and engagement and as a result, there are no political crises and that this example could be applied to BiH level.

"Brcko District is a condominium jointly owned by the Republic of Srpska and the Federation, and there are many joint projects of interest to all peoples who live there, and the Republic of Srpska will continue to be a visible factor through the improvement of various processes, such as the acceleration of the highway construction project that will have great importance for Brcko", Stevandic told reporters.

He stressed that problems are being resolved and remembered that two months ago the director of the hospital in Brcko signed an agreement with the University Clinical Center in Banja Luka which enabled faster and easier treatment of patients and added that the work will continue to improve the economic environment and the quality of life of all citizens of the District.

President Miliic highlighted the need for coordination of Brcko District and the Republic of Srpska, firstly when talking about laws that are directly implemented in District Brcko and that concern the citizens of the Republic of Srpska.

"Thanks to the engagement of both the Government and the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, a law was adopted that equalized the rights of multi-member families living in Brcko District when it comes to providing one-time assistance," Milic told reporters and added that he thanked the leadership of the Republic of Srpska for organizing the joint session two entities that will contribute to the stabilization of relations in the District itself.

President Stevandic announced a return visit to the Brcko District Assembly.