President Stevandic attended the commemoration of the 31 years of the ”Corridor operation”

25.06.2023 - 13:00

The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska Dr Nenad Stevandic attended today in Duga Njiva near the municipality of Modrica the commemoration of the 31 years since the liberation of the “Corridor” through Posavina, which enabled the connection of the west of the Republic of Srpska and the Krajina with the rest of Srpska and Serbia.

At that occasion, President Stevandic said that by celebrating 31 years after the liberation of the “Corridor” we give respect to all people in Srpska who gave their lives during the Defensive-Patriotic war, but it also demonstrates the strength and political unity of the Republic of Srpska.

For 31 years already we have been fighting to defend this corridor not to be closed and there were many attempts to close corridors for us, to disrupt our relations with Serbia. To close financial and political corridors for us.

He added that despite this the Republic of Srpska is not only defending this corridor but has opened many other corridors in the world and in Europe.

From this place, we can send a message that as people we belong to the unique politics, unique determination, that we defend what we have made and no corridor to be closed for us never again”, stated Stevandic.